I want to enter the teaching profession because I like teaching. I like this profession, and I want to teach students. I want to teach because I want to apply my knowledge learned in the teaching courses. I like to learn new things and convey them to my students. As a responsible teacher, I am aware of my teaching responsibilities.

Teaching Diversity through Art gave me experience in art education from kindergarten to high school and the opportunity to watch some video clips to see how other teachers apply different teaching strategies to teach students. The course helped me better understand how to integrate educational theory into practicum by reflecting on the video clips. The course focused on observing the educational methodology in California to design lessons for students. In class, I watched some educational TED Talks, which introduced me to famous researchers, writers, and teachers who stood out in the field, inspired me, and gave me enthusiasm at the beginning of the class. The Meyers-Briggs Temperament Inventory (MBTI) helped me better understand myself as a teacher. The test helped me discover my personality types, my preferences, the preferences of others, and how to recognize them. Also, the MBTI module helped me understand students to develop mindful lessons for them and meet their needs.

Understanding Multiple Intelligences Theory helped me learn about myself as a teacher. Howard Gardner's theory taught me that I possess at least eight different intelligences, which are Linguistic Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, and Naturalist Intelligence, and they are different from one another. The Multiple Intelligences quiz helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses. My predominant types of intelligence are Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Linguistic Intelligence, and Spatial Intelligence. By studying the Multiple Intelligences module, I understood that if I possess Linguistic Intelligence as a predominant intelligence, I can develop good verbal, writing, and reading skills. My Logical-Mathematical Intelligence helped me think critically, abstractly, conceptually, and discern logically. As a teacher, if I think critically, I can develop Socratic questioning lessons for students. As Spatial Intelligence is one of my predominant intelligences, I can plan my educational activities based on my spatial intelligence skills, such as drawing, painting, etc. My ability to visualize accurately and abstractly helped me develop good lesson plans to help students learn better. My knowledge of multiple intelligences and the ability to recognize them in the lessons helped me plan my lessons differently to give students the necessary knowledge. As I learned the Multiple Intelligences module, I discovered that all humans possess at least eight intelligences. If I know my predominant multiple intelligences, I can plan my lessons using my best teaching skills by using different ways to teach students. I enjoyed all the lessons in the Multiple Intelligences module, especially Case #122 and Case #1129, where the teacher's instructions were very efficient for students and helpful for me to understand better my kinds of intelligence.

Benjamin Bloom's new taxonomy will also contribute to my teaching strategies as a teacher by helping me to teach deep learning. Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy has six levels: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating. Teaching deep learning means using both stages of Bloom's taxonomy, which are lower and higher-order. Bloom's taxonomy helps students synthesize the information from their lower-order skills, Remembering and Understanding. The higher-order skills include Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating. Students who do not have lower-order skills cannot understand higher-order knowledge. At the Remembering level, the teacher should answer the question: Can students remember, recall, list, memorize, state, define, reproduce, or duplicate the information? At the Understanding level, students must be able to explain, discuss, describe, classify, identify, recognize, select, and locate the concepts or ideas. By approaching the Applying level, the students should know how to use, demonstrate, illustrate, interpret, or write the information. The Analyzing level allows students to learn to distinguish, compare, contrast, differentiate, and criticize different parts. At the Evaluating level, students should know how to defend, justify, select, and evaluate the decision. At the Creating level, students must create, develop, design, and write their products or points of view. The knowledge acquired by learning these modules will help me write my lesson plans to teach students.

Furthermore, in the Teaching Diversity through Art class, I learned how to design an age-appropriate lesson for students, and this knowledge will contribute to my teaching career enormously because I learned about different characteristics of children's development, such as physical, social-emotional, and cognitive development, which will help me know students and design age-appropriate lessons for them. Also, I learned different pedagogical approaches for early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school students, and a guide from the Getty Museum Education Department that helped me recognize the students' abilities for each grade, from kindergarten to high school. The Habits of Minds module will contribute to my teaching career. The eight habits of mind are to Develop Craft, Understand Art Worlds, Stretch and Explore, Engage and Persist, Reflect, Observe, Envision, and Explore. By recognizing them, I can know what kind of instructions are better to meet the student's learning objectives. At first, I was confused about how to teach all these habits of mind, but after watching some video clips and doing my Observation Reflection #5, I understood them. In Case #1168, the teacher demonstrates good teaching strategies and shows the quality of his instruction. The students in his class work independently and are very engaged in their activities.

By taking the MBTI test, I discovered my personality type. I am an ISTJ type, responsible, and realistic. I like to make decisions logically and have everything organized. As an "Introversion" person, I focus my ideas on the internal world, and as a "Sensing" type, I focus on concrete and present information. Being a "Thinking" person, I make my decisions logically, and as a "Judging person, I like to organize my life and everything around me. The MBTI test caused me to explore not only my temperament and preferences but also to recognize the temperaments and preferences of other people. It helped me understand how to create differentiated opportunities for learning. By knowing my strengths and individual differences, I know how to approach different types of personalities and meet their preferences.

An "Ah-ha" moment for me in this class was as I watched the video clips because I discovered so many teaching strategies and teacher behaviors. I understood that a teacher can influence not only the students' learning but also their behaviors. Watching the video clips can be a good opportunity for students to see different teaching strategies and choose what works better. On the other hand, by observing a teacher in a classroom directly while teaching, students can acquire great experiences for the beginning of their career, but there is the risk of thinking that that way of teaching is the best. Combining teaching strategies can be the best way to prepare students for teaching. The schools must facilitate our preparation for teaching by providing us with instructions in public schools and classes through video clips. By observing other teachers in person and online, I can compare their teaching styles and have a clear image of my strengths and weaknesses, and I can improve my weaknesses.

When I have my class, I will apply all my knowledge acquired in the teaching classes to meet the student's learning needs. My knowledge of the class modules, especially MBTI and the multiple intelligences, will help me to develop the students' passion for art. I will design age-appropriate lessons by using pedagogical approaches and bringing to students' classes the most beautiful and meaningful examples to inspire them and make them eager to discover the beauty of art and the use of art to express their culture, feelings, and experiences. I will help them to integrate their culture into their community through their art to be part of the whole community and to respect the other cultures around them. I will allow students to express themselves by engaging them in discussions and asking questions to help them develop their communicative skills and make them aware of their participation in their community.